Renegade Group Manpower. Horsepower. Renegade.


This year has been hugely challenging for every organization involved in supporting refugees across the world.

The invasion of Ukraine has created 8 million new refugees. They join a diaspora of nearly 100 million refugees left without homes by war, political violence and famine.

A huge proportion of those affected are children. Through the UNHCR Refugee resettlement program, some of these children arrive here with us in Texas. Many are alone, vulnerable and lacking practical and emotional support. As parents, and as Americans, we find the thought of our own children being in this position unthinkable.

Today, Renegade Group is announcing two new initiatives to make our own small contribution to supporting these kids.

Firstly, we’re partnering with Houston-based Amaanah Refugee Services to help provide computer equipment to young people to help them with their studies at school here in America. Amaanah provides in-classroom assistance for refugee children to make sure they don’t fall behind while they learn a new language. We’ll be working with our partners and friends on a laptop drive to supply as many computers as we can this summer, ready for the kids starting American schools in the fall. We’ll also be helping to spread the word about the dangers of human trafficking in our own state.


Laptop Drive

If you have an old laptop in good condition that you no longer need, please consider giving it to us. We’ll get it to a young refugee in Texas who needs it. Computers and Internet access can be transformational for young people who are separated from friends and family and unable to speak the language. Contact us if you can help.


Human Trafficking Awareness

We’ve spent the last two months having stickers with the national Human Trafficking hotline added to every vehicle in our fleet. Human Traffickers prey upon the most vulnerable people in society, and the refugee community is one of these groups. The hotline, operated by the Polaris Project, gives victims of trafficking a place to find emergency support and advice on escaping their situation.

Being good neighbors is a key part of Renegade’s mission. Every child deserves a safe environment, food, shelter and a chance to receive an education.

We won’t stand by while children suffer in our own community. We’ll be promoting these initiatives over the next few months. Join us, and help share the message.



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