Renegade Group Manpower. Horsepower. Renegade.


Many of Renegade's staff and partners in the USA will be in the direct line of the full eclipse.

Safety during a solar eclipse is paramount to ensure everyone can enjoy this celestial spectacle without risking their eyesight or health.

While witnessing the moon pass in front of the sun is an awe-inspiring experience, it’s crucial to take precautions to avoid potential harm.

First and foremost, protecting your eyes is paramount. Looking directly at the sun, even during a partial eclipse, can cause severe and permanent damage to your retina, leading to vision loss or blindness. Therefore, it’s essential to use proper eye protection when viewing a solar eclipse.

The safest way to observe a solar eclipse is by using certified solar viewing glasses or solar filters. These specialized glasses are equipped with lenses that block harmful ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation, allowing you to safely look at the sun during an eclipse. Be sure to check for the ISO 12312-2 certification label to ensure they meet international safety standards.

Alternatively, you can use indirect projection techniques, such as a pinhole projector or a telescope with a solar filter. These methods allow you to project an image of the sun onto a surface, such as a piece of paper or a screen, without directly looking at the sun.

It’s essential to avoid using homemade filters, sunglasses, or other makeshift devices, as these inadequate eye protection methods do not offer sufficient protection from the sun’s harmful rays.

In addition to protecting your eyes, it’s essential to safeguard your skin and overall health during a solar eclipse. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF rating to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, and stay hydrated if you plan to spend an extended period outdoors.

During a total solar eclipse, when the moon completely obscures the sun’s disk, it’s safe to view the eclipse with the naked eye—but only during the brief period of totality when the sun is completely covered by the moon’s shadow. However, it’s crucial to use eye protection before and after totality, as well as during partial phases of the eclipse.

In summary, here are the top five things to remember for safety during a solar eclipse:

  • Always use certified solar viewing glasses or solar filters to protect your eyes.
  • Avoid looking directly at the sun without proper eye protection.
  • Use indirect projection techniques or certified solar filters for safe viewing.
  • Apply sunscreen with a high SPF rating to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Stay hydrated and seek shade if the sun becomes too intense during the eclipse.

By following these safety guidelines, you can enjoy the wonder of a solar eclipse while safeguarding your vision and well-being.


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